IMPAC2022 proceedings
If your abstract is accepted, you are highly encouraged to submit a full paper by 1 September 2022, for inclusion into the conference proceedings. Proceedings can be written in English or Bahasa Melayu. Bahasa Melayu proceedings will require an English abstract. They should be between 2,500-3,000 words in length. The maximum pages allowed is 6 pages, single spaced, 12 point font, including pictures.
Please ensure that you adhere to the guidelines and template for the full paper and send us a ready-to-publish paper that is error free. Your paper should have already been proofread and edited for language, academic writing, and format. The references and citations should adhere strictly to APA7 format. We reserve the right not to publish proceeding papers if they do not adhere to the guidelines. Please submit your full paper to titled YOURNAMEIMPAC2022 e.g. NurulAishahIMPAC2022.
Please note:
Authors are entirely responsible for the veracity of information and content of the proceeding paper. This will not be a peer reviewed publication. Our copyeditors will focus only on formatting the paper.
Co-author(s) should have made significant contribution, share responsibility and accountability to the research in the proposed abstract.
Proceedings will be published online on the conference website on the first day of the conference.
Please clik link below for proceedings template: [PDF File] [Word File]
Journal Publications
You may opt to send your article to be reviewed by the journals suggested below. IMPAC2022 will not be involved in the decisions made by the journals. Please indicate that your article submission has been accepted for presentation at IMPAC2022. This will allow the journal to consider your paper for review after their yearly deadline.
For presenters whose papers are based on music-related issue, you can opt to send your paper to the Malaysian Journal of Music which is indexed in Scopus and the Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index). The journal publishes good quality articles that have been thoughtfully researched and well written.
Publication of articles is not guaranteed and is independently based on the journal.
Please note that these articles will be subjected
• Articles that relate to music. Interdisciplinary articles involving music and other disciplines are highly encouraged.
• Initial screening prior to acceptance for review
• Double blind peer reviewed. Your article may be subjected to revisions before acceptance or rejection for publication.
• Guidelines and format of the Malaysian Journal of Music. For more details on the Malaysian Journal of Music, please visit this here:
For presenters whose papers are based on music, dance, theater related issues, you can opt to send your paper to Harmonia. Harmonia is indexed in Scopus.
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education [p-ISSN 2541-1683 | e-ISSN 2541-2426] is published by Department of Drama, Dance, and Music, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Asosiasi Profesi Pendidik Sendratasik Indonesia (AP2SENI)/The Association of Profession for Indonesian Sendratasik Educators. Harmonia published scientific papers on the results of art research and art education (see Focus and Scope). Editor accepts the article has not been published in other media with the writing format as listed on page manuscript writing guidelines (see Author Guidelines & Template). The journal has been indexed in SCOPUS, ASEAN Citation Index, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, DOAJ with Green Thick, Dimension, EBSCO, SINTA 1 and published two times a year, on June & December
For presenters whose papers are based on music, dance, theater related issue, you can opt to send your paper to Jurai Sembah. Jurai Sembah is a referred journal.
The publication of Jurai Sembah (e-ISSN 2716-5523) aims to expand and create innovations in the concepts, theories, paradigms, perspectives and methodologies of research and learning of performing arts that are cross-field and cross-cultural. Published twice a year, the Journal of Performing Arts contains the results of original conceptual investigation and field research. The features of the Journal of Performing Arts are its thematic publications, innovative approaches as well as cross-cultural and cross-field learning in performing arts. Thematic studies aimed to elicit a new conceptual nuance arising from the combination of several different articles, to present the uniformity of issues, conceptual and methodological uniformity and to illustrate abstract concepts in the performing arts. All articles published in Jurai Sembah were peer-reviewed by double blind reviewers as well as independent Editor by Editorial Members. Decisions regarding the publication of a manuscript were based on Jurai Sembah’s Editorial Board’s recommendations.